Systematic approach. Safe investments.

About the company

The company «Systeminvest» was founded in 1994. It is a full-range systems integrator that specializes in the area of technologies for education.

Apart from providing solutions for the foundation of IT-infrastructure and complex supply of equipment we offer special services for educational institutions: design, project development and building of elaborate complexes in the system of education as well as development of educational media content.
  • 21
    year of experience
  • 54
  • 788
    completed projects
We create perspective, innovative solutions for businesses of various areas and scope. From schools to state corporations. We successfully implement large-scale complex goals, open new prospects for growth and development.

Systeminvest - systematic approach, safe investments.

What we do

System integration

Systems integration is development of complex solutions in order to automate technological and business processes of an enterprise. Its final goal is the highest possible efficiency of management of technological processes, production and the enterprise as a whole.

Our integration solutions allow to create an optimized, open system from the initial set of heterogeneous equipment, a system that provides our customers with tools to solve their manufacturing and educational tasks.


  • Automation of business processes
  • Enterprise efficiency improvement
  • Cost reduction
  • Products/services improvement
  • Reliability/safety level improvement

What we do

Who for

Our services are necessary for every business which management is interested in development and increase of its competitive performance. From manufacturing and trading organisations to state institutions.


We have great experience of executing lanrge-scale tasks within the limited time period and we are partners of the leading vendors, thus we offer our Clients project supply of equipment and associated products:

Solutions for education

Больше половины сотрудников нашей компании имеют большой опыт преподавательской деятельности в высших учебных заведениях нашей страны.

Мы знаем всё о сложностях работы в школах и вузах, и одним из приоритетов нашей компании является работа с государственными средними и высшими учебными заведениями.

Разработка образовательного медиаконтента

  • Программно-аппаратные комплексы дистанционного обучения
  • Инновационные обучающие продукты
  • Исследовательские системы
  • 3D моделирование виртуальных тренажеров и лабораторий
  • Системы управления учебным процессом
  • Обучение и повышение квалификации педагогов совместно с МИРЭА

Сложные обучающие комплексы

Прогресс предъявляет повышенные требования не только к компетенциям сотрудников но и к постоянному повышению квалификации. Обучение становится не периодическим событием, а трудовой функцией сотрудника.

Одним из наших приоритетов является проектирование и построение решений в сфере образования школьников, студентов или профессионального кадрового состава предприятий.

Проектируемые нами системы сочетают в себе:

  • Виртуальную реальность, с полным погружением в среду
  • Виртуальные тренажеры
  • Виртуальные установки и лаборатории с моделированием работы реального оборудования

Safety and Security

Clients and partners

Completed projects

Interactive distance learning class in Tunisia

В рамках МОГО, при участии EMERCOM МЧС РФ, успешно реализована задача по проектированию, закупке, доставке и внедрению класса интерактивного дистанционного обучения в Тунисскую республику, г. Тунис.

Согласно утверждённому техническому решению, были смонтированы и настроены рабочие места пользователей, серверный шкаф, рабочее место тьютора и интерактивная доска. Осуществлено подключение ЛВС и коммутирование рабочих мест, места тьютера и интерактивной доски в серверную стойку. Создана документация по коммутации серверного шкафа. Произведена программная настройка каждого ПК и ИД, инсталляция и адаптация программного комплекса под французский и арабский языки. Развернута комфортная среда для совместной работы.

Creation of a specialized international ecosystem of distance learning for further training of staff in the area of integrated safety and security within the framework of ICDO

At the present day our environment including all scientific and technical achievements, and above all, informational and telecommunicational advances, represents a primary element that defines the cognitive process of a person.

Learning ecosystem symplifies cooperation between the teachers and the learners, creates a perfect environment for implementation of a modern learning model and interaction between the community members by means of effective combination of all possible up-to-date informational technologies.

Participation in a project aimed at development of the international segment for distance learning system of EMERCOM of RUSSIA on behalf of International Civil Defence Organisation. Russia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Cameroon, Jordan

Main tasks:

  • Creation of a unified automated interaction platform for ICDO member states, (in the area of training as well as document circulation)
  • Unification and expansion of breakthough methods and technologies of E-learning including elements of colloborative training
  • Creation and adjustment of training programs (according to the needs and requirements of specific countries via the system of knowledge database management and a virtual repository of standard educational units that allows to construct versions of courses for different countries from sepate units)
  • Development of a unified thesaurus and analysis of standard requirements for specialists of ICDO member states
  • Creation of a multilingual electronic library
  • Creation of a community for specialists — a social network aimed at development of international ties and communication
  • Each member of international cooperation to be provided with:
    • Access to educational resourses in any of the five languages
    • Training and knowledge evaluation
    • Audio/videoconferencing

Special projects

Systeminvest dynamically practiсes development of genuine projects in the area of IT and educational technologies. Our projects are widely known in Russian Federation and Commonwealth of Independent States.


Scientific Technical Center «SYSTEMINVEST»
Vernadsky prospect, Building 94, Building 4, Room II, Room 5, 119571, Moscow, Russia
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